Fattening others

Dream relationship

If I can manage to get myself a feedee girlfriend, I’d wanna be the reason she gains several hundred pounds. I just find it attractive to have a partner that is proud and confident in growing a massive belly. I’d encourage her to as much as she can and give lots of massages.
1 year

Dream relationship

If I can manage to get myself a feedee girlfriend, I’d wanna be the reason she gains several hundred pounds. I just find it attractive to have a partner that is proud and confident in growing a massive belly. I’d encourage her to as much as she can and give lots of massages.

Good luck 🤞🏻
1 year

Dream relationship

If I can manage to get myself a feedee girlfriend, I’d wanna be the reason she gains several hundred pounds. I just find it attractive to have a partner that is proud and confident in growing a massive belly. I’d encourage her to as much as she can and give lots of massages.

Sounds very romantic to me. It’s very intimate sharing that with someone.

That’s exactly how I feel. For me, being a feeder is more than just a fetish. It’s a lifestyle that I’d wanna share with whatever partner I have.
1 year

Dream relationship

A mutual interest & gaining relationship. See how far we could get feeding each other and whatching movies cuddling.
1 year

Dream relationship

For most of my adult life I’ve always been the in shape person in the relationship.

Now I want to be the chubby one, and have the in shape partner. I’d find it so hot for my partner to tease my poor fitness, maybe if we ran and I was out of breath or couldn’t lift as much weights. Bonus points if my partner was a woman in this scenario.
1 year

Dream relationship

I get kidnapped by a rich feedee. I grow on her terms until I weigh about 400 pounds. Then she starts gaining weight and growing faster than me.

Anyone knows feedee like this? 😅

This scenario is strictly fantasy, love.
1 year

Dream relationship

For me it would be about keeping me full and enabling/supporting my appetite, but knowing how to cook really well would be a huge bonus ordering almost every meal is expensive AF. But other than this thing where I eat a lot and strive to be rounder and wider I’m pretty vanilla
1 year

Dream relationship

If I can manage to get myself a feedee girlfriend, I’d wanna be the reason she gains several hundred pounds. I just find it attractive to have a partner that is proud and confident in growing a massive belly. I’d encourage her to as much as she can and give lots of massages.

I am a lesbian 😗😗
9 months

Dream relationship

My current one. I love my s/o, we do everything together.

I would love to be in a feeder or feedee relationship, but right now everything is perfect.

Sometimes we fight, but its usually because one of us is hungry or sleepy.
9 months

Dream relationship

Not to brag, but I'm kinda in one.

She's confident and unashamed of her fat, loves to eat, keeps getting bigger, and even enjoys being huge and the sensation of her flabby body bouncing and rippling with every heavy footstep she takes. And she knows I want to make her as fat as possible and agrees!
8 months
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